Are you curious about how your body is built to move? Hit a plateau with physical therapy? Want to become less reliant on a therapist, and take ownership of your body’s needs for healthy movement?
Get started with Liberated Body
Liberated Body guides you through a step-by-step investigative process to help you free your body from the shackles of inefficient, compensatory movement habits that could be keeping you stuck, and discover healthier joint mechanics that set your body free.
You don’t need to be a PhD. in biomechanics- Liberated Body makes the complexities of gait (walking) mechanics super simple for you, no matter your level of anatomical knowledge. You’ll learn the tools to become your body’s own expert practitioner.
Our main tool in Liberated Body is the understanding of how the human body is meant to most efficiently move through the gait cycle, so that you can discover what components of this cycle your body is currently missing, and reclaim them.
I’ll guide you through the same process I learned from my mentors- How to use gait-inspired movement to restore the body’s missing joint mechanics so you can move with more ease and less pain, and do more of what you love.
>>Get started now with the Liberated Body online self-study workshop <<

Liberated Body is a little different from the other movement classes out there…
Liberated Body is not a one time workshop to solve all your body’s woes. It’s a system that helps you engage in the life-long project of taking care of your body’s demands for movement options.
It’s not a class to stretch and strengthen, like a pilates or yoga class- But it will help you perform better at pilates and yoga, with more access to your body’s movement potential.

Workshop Calendar
Next workshop dates TBA (online and in-person)
Start TODAY with the Liberated Body home-study course and go at your own pace.

Who is Liberated Body good for?
Liberated Body isn’t for everybody. In fact it’s for a small minority of very particular folks, and that might NOT be you right now.
So before you consider signing up, take this little quiz and make sure at least three of these describes you:
- You identify as a “movement nerd” and have an insatiable thirst for learning about how your body was designed to move ai its most efficient state
- You want to get to the root of your body’s issues, not just find band-aid solutions
- Conventional exercises to “improve posture”, stretch, or strengthen muscles don’t seem to work for you, and you want to try something different
- You have some old injuries that you suspect are messing with your movement patterns and posture
- You’d like to discover some new exercises to add to your movement practice to help you stay active/get back to the activities you love without flaring up symptoms
- You’ve heard of Anatomy in Motion and are curious how to apply the concepts and exercises to your movement practice.
Sound like you? I think you’ll love Liberated Body.

What Exactly Is Covered in the Liberated Body Workshop?
It’s like the user manual that should have come with your body.
This unique workshop is based on the work of Gary Ward, creator of Anatomy in Motion™ (AiM)- A sophisticated model of what the body does and when it does it in the gait cycle. You’ll be introduced to some fundamental rules of natural human motion, and be guided through exercises that emulate the specific ways our muscles, fascia, bones, and joints should move in all three dimensions as we walk.
You’ll learn tools to improve your alignment, proprioception, and movement quality. Most importantly, it will feel great to rediscover joints and muscles that you might not have used in years.
Why does it matter how you walk?
Your gait matters. Why? You’ve probably had a therapist watch you walk. Have you ever wondered what they’re looking for?
Did you know that every joint motion your body is capable of doing happens within the 0.6 to 0.8 seconds it takes to step from one foot to the other? And if your body cannot access the full spectrum of even one of these joint motions, it can drain your energy, cause strain on the body,
and overtime may result in compensation patterns and injury.
The effect of using gait-specific movement in the Liberated Body workshop is that your body recognizes these movements as inherently useful, and will be able to integrate this newly explored movement potential instantaneously into a new more efficient way of walking that is
your birthright.
You can literally walk yourself well.
Ready to sign up? Get started with the home-study today

Session Breakdown
Class 1: Spine mechanics. Introduction to the “cogs” concept for harmonious pelvis, ribcage, and skull, motion, and how the spinal column moves through the gait cycle, in three dimensions. How does walking naturally mobilize the spine?
Class 2: Foot mechanics. What are pronation and supination? (wait… I thought pronation was bad?!) How do we ideally want these motions to occur with each foot step? How do the feet and ankles naturally get a chance to stretch and mobilize with each foot step?
Class 3: 3D Hip and leg mechanics. How should the knees, hips, and pelvis move with each footstep? And how should the legs integrate with feet and spine? Get ready to really move in class 3!
Class 4: Shoulder and arm mechanics. How do the neck, shoulders, ribcage, elbows, and scapulae integrate with the spine and lower body in gait?
Each class we will start with a brief lecture, practice bodyscaning techniques, and use self-assessments to check in and track our progress. Each class builds on the one prior
If you feel like there’s something more for you and your body than the state it is currently in- pain, lethargy, weakness, or confusion about what to even do, this workshop is designed to give you the tools to transform and wake up to your body’s potential so you can do more of what you love.

Here’s what people are saying about the Liberated Body Workshop
“I noticed my body generally feeling lighter and more mobile, “freed up”. That was a welcome change. I have never given any thought to the fact that I have muscles in my feet- Loved that new learning. It was mind-expanding and made me more connected to my body. You are an awesome teacher! You are thorough and make your classes challenging yet approachable at the same time. I’m excited to apply some of these learnings to my yoga practice.”
~Joy H.
“I actually woke up today and did not hurt (I usually do in the morning). You are an excellent teacher and your words of support/interest /humour are really appreciated. It was amazing that after the work on day one my weight was so much more balanced between my two sides (left/right foot)!”
~Deborah L.

“I enjoyed the foot class the most as I made the most discoveries there and really spent a lot of time thinking about the movements throughout the whole week after the class. (Discovery – was convinced that pronation was a horrible thing until this class!). The biggest take away was listening to micro-movements of the body (possibly within the gait cycle) is helpful for me to see areas I’ve been struggling with and writing off in my dance practice. Liberated Body is a crash course in listening to your body, offering tangible information for healthy movement patterns.”
~Sophie D.

“I am loving your teaching; there certainly is a lot to learn, which means there is a lot of hope for healing.”
~Margaret B.

“The class shows you ways of assessing for yourself how your body is currently moving and shows you how you can work on making changes. I now have a framework to check against, so if I want to make adjustments, I’m not doing them in isolation but in a chain or in a relationship.”
~Hazel A.